Friday 23 October 2009


This is an example of Color Correction in the media. This shows exactly how unrealistic the media is.

Look how the color of the grass has changed compared to the color of the shirts. Its amazing what you can do with computers.

What I'm Listening too.

Its a good band. Very interesting sound. I like it. Its different.

Dove Campaign

Hmm. The campaign is odd. Its like, a public image campaign. I don't think its honest. It feels to me like there just trying to improve there image.

Thursday 22 October 2009

Norris 5

Young Turks. Grass Roots Media. Anti Fox. Perfect.

However, when I actually ran the story through the Norris 5, it did surprisingly bad. Ah well, that's what I get for picking a clip that was more entertainment based.

Informative vs. Superficial: I would say that because the issue itself was superficial, due to the fact that it was about a fox news story (news about news. Something is wrong here), it was actually informative. Odd how that works.

Accurate and Truthful vs. False and Deceptive: I would say that the story was accurate. They showed the offending clip from Fox News, and then commented about it. Its difficult to get more accurate than that.

Objective vs. Biased: I feel that the story was biased against the Fox News channel. Although it is understandable that TYTs is a grass roots organization without any form of large cash flow, it would have still been nice to have a Fox Representative on the show.

Pluralistic vs. Insular: Insular. News about News.

Balanced vs. Weighted Side: Weighted. See Objective vs. Biased.

Ardekani Question - Targetted Groups.

I feel that the internet has been a great help to groups that are often targeted. I myself am a strong atheist, the least trusted group in America (Really. The Least). However, its amazing the communities you can find online that are both supportive and positive.

An example of one is The Atheist Experience. This is an Austin, Texas, public access show that I watch semi regularly. It has a new show every Sunday, and is in the center of the Austin Atheist community. Here's an Excerpt:

Overall, I think that the internet has become a haven for minority groups. Srsly, Youtube is awesome.

Exposure to Ads

I ran into a very interesting advertisement today. I was playing a video game earlier today and realized that one of the billboards in game was for an actual product! Monster Energy Drink. The add itself was pretty subtle. If I wasn't thinking about advertisements at the time, I would have probably missed it. However, this shows a disturbing trend in the video game market. I do not want ads in my games. The ad itself had a very specific target audience. Gamers. Who else would buy an energy drink for gamers?

The Corporation vs. Ad and Ego

I have not lived in America for a long time. Before watching both of these documentries, I had forgotten just how pervasive advertising is. I tend to aviod Israeli TV (Its terrible) and I surf the internet with AdblockPlus running to avoid flashy embeded ads, so I guess I had a more sheltered perspective.

What these two documentaries have given me is scale. I always knew that big business would do what ever it could to get as high profit margins as possible, and that ads where specifically designed to try and get around any mental defenses against them. However, I never knew exactly how much of American society is controlled by business and surrounded by ads.

I feel that in an environment similar to the one America lives in today gets in the way of people staying informed. With so many messages, almost all of which benifit big buisness, being directed at our minds, I think that its going to be very difficult for people to make informed choices about what they want (or dont want) to buy.