Monday 7 September 2009


Its Monday. You have nothing to do. All your homework is done, and none of your friends are answering their phones. What do you do? SURF YOUTUBE!

I have found a most interesting personality on everyone's favorite video viewing site. Meet AronRam, champion of SCIENCE!!!!!


What I find interesting is that AronRa does a lot of scientific debates. On youtube. Its a very interesting way of using the site.


Media Immersion Level: WWIII

Wednesday 2 September 2009

Clipping Death

Metallica - A BSO Blog

I sure am a fan of Master of Puppets! I first listened to this album a few months ago, and I must say, its utterly amazing. Thus, I'm going to post something that's almost one of the greatest songs ever created.

I highly recommend that you go to youtube and watch this video in high quality.

You know, recently I noticed that modern mainstream music just didn't sound very good. The drums never sounded clear, the bass was always sounding funky, and the stuff was just too loud. Then, a few days ago, I ran across this video, and now its all clear to me.

For more educational viewing, follow this link here!

Media Immersion Level: Nuclear Meltdown