Thursday 20 August 2009

Radiation Level: Minimal (Who Owns The Media?)

This is a (very) rough draft of an essay im working on. I /dare/ you to enjoy it.

We live in a sea of Media, constantly bombarded by new information and ideas. Buy this, act like that, and watch me. As I write this, I'm listening to 'Metropolis' by Dream Theater, a song that's over an hour long. Media is inescapable in this day an age.

However, who owns and runs what we see every day? Surprisingly, around ten mega-corporations control almost all the printed and televised media. Its amazing, isn't it? Everything we see in our free time is controlled by less than ten groups of people.

At the same time, thanks to a series of tubes we call 'The Internet', the media is both owned and run by us all. The people that upload videos to youtube are generally not employed by vast mega companies vying for our attention. Google allows people to quickly find the information or a specific piece of media quickly and effectively. Overall, the fact that the internet is neutral and not under the control of any company allows it to be a free and uncontrolled source of media.

It's interesting to look at the dynamics between the print and televised medias compared to the internet. While one is under the control of a small number of parties, the other is under the control of no one. This imbalance in our sources of media consumption leads to a question that's extremely difficult to answer. How much longer will the net be owned by no one?

Media Immersion Level: Radiwhat?


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