Thursday 22 October 2009

Norris 5

Young Turks. Grass Roots Media. Anti Fox. Perfect.

However, when I actually ran the story through the Norris 5, it did surprisingly bad. Ah well, that's what I get for picking a clip that was more entertainment based.

Informative vs. Superficial: I would say that because the issue itself was superficial, due to the fact that it was about a fox news story (news about news. Something is wrong here), it was actually informative. Odd how that works.

Accurate and Truthful vs. False and Deceptive: I would say that the story was accurate. They showed the offending clip from Fox News, and then commented about it. Its difficult to get more accurate than that.

Objective vs. Biased: I feel that the story was biased against the Fox News channel. Although it is understandable that TYTs is a grass roots organization without any form of large cash flow, it would have still been nice to have a Fox Representative on the show.

Pluralistic vs. Insular: Insular. News about News.

Balanced vs. Weighted Side: Weighted. See Objective vs. Biased.


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